The AIIKS, through its various Nodes, within and outside Africa, takes cognizance of the fact that in order for AIKS to contribute meaningfully in the global knowledge economy, and achieve epistemic justice, it should improve the quality of lives of local communities for sustainable development. The AIIKS collaborating institutions within and outside the African continent, are therefore working in joint research, development, innovation and human capital development. These initiatives have resulted into a number of multi-transdisciplinary IKS-based products and services. Moreover, the AIIKS partners have leveraged strategic networks and resource mobilization efforts to advance the systematization of AIKS for sustainable community livelihood and development.
Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania in collaboration with various departments within Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Pharm-Bio Technology and Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacy, and Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
have through research, innovation and product development produced herbal products and/or formulations from medicinal plants of which some have active patents:
- Morizela Juice (Patent number: TZ/P/07/00150) for Diabetes and as Nutritional supplement
- Ravo cream (Patent number: TZ/P/07/00151) for Skin fungal infections and Allergic conditions
- Prucan capsules have successively passed the clinical trial
- Pumu Syrup for asthmatic condition
- Pronen health Products
- Resprox Herbal Extract for Male reproductive health
- Prostavits herbal extract for hormonal balance and prostate gland health
- Ulcer-cure herbal extract to treat gastrointestinal ulcers
- Detox drinks
- Energy booster
- Improved memory and nervous system herbal booster for anti-aging effects;
- Herbal drugs for Asthma,
- Herbal extracts for sickle cell anemia,
- Anti-malaria herbal extracts,
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory herbal extracts;
- Herbal extracts for hyper and hypo-tensive conditions;
- Anti-diabetic herbal extracts
- Cosmetic herbal extracts for keloids and skin microbial diseases,
- Herbal extracts for vitality and hormonal balance
Makerere Makerere University Botanical Garden, Uganda
is used in botanical research, training in taxonomy and reference for many local and international researchers and research institutions. It houses about 40,000 collections (including ca. 120 type specimens) of plants from Uganda and other countries. About five years ago, the herbarium was entrusted with collections from the National Forestry Authority (formerly called the Forest Department). They are being incorporated into the main botanical collection, serving the student community, staff and researchers, from all over the world, in botanical research, determination of plant species, training and ethnobotanical research. Members of staff have also been involved in various projects involving botanical research with several institutions. In addition to the Botanical Garden’s Conservation Programmes, there is a Medicinal Plant Programme.
Inhaca Biological Marine Station (Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU)), Mozambique
enables IKS research in the management of marine resources in the sea and coastal ecosystems. Moreover, as a marine biology resource platform, the marine station is a vital teaching and learning space, including conducting short courses; and promotion of cultural and biological conservation in niche ecosystems
AIIKS Node, Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania in partnership with Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
with its secretariat at Copenhagen, Denmark, have managed to establish a unique data set, as a record of Herbarium collections, mostly medicinal plant species, recorded from local healers in various parts of Tanzania. The voucher specimens are deposited at the ITM, MUHAS), Tanzania, as part of its mandate to research on traditional medicine and healing systems, and identify Materia medica which through research and innovation could be developed into drugs and useful traditional healing practices to be interfaced with other knowledge and technology systems for improved healthcare and wellbeing. The generation of safety and efficacy data on these plants and remedies is a pre-requisite before they can be streamlined into the health care system. It is estimated that there are about 10,000 records of plant specimen at the ITM. The digitization work, including training, was initiated by International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP). The work was implemented by MUHAS under the financial support of GBIF. A total of 4500 records are uploaded to the GBIF Tanzania node known as Tanzania Biological Information Facility (TanBIF) and can be accessed through the GBIF web.
AIIKS Node, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire, were members on the Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) task force under the Work Programme: Strengthening the Knowledge Foundations managed by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
The Work Programme is one of six objectives of IPBES and promotes the generation of knowledge and management of data on biodiversity and ecosystem services as a foundation for its overall mandate. The task team includes IKS Experts from the AIIKS node, to ensure Enhanced Recognition Of And Work With Indigenous And Local Knowledge Systems: Implementing the approach to recognizing and working with indigenous and local knowledge in IPBES, taking into account the special needs of indigenous and local knowledge holders through the implementation of the participatory mechanism established under the approach, as well as taking into consideration the recommendations and findings set out in document IPBES/7/INF/8 and other relevant future IPBES processes.
The UNESCO Chair in Culture of Peace, University Félix Houphouët-Boigny is an institution headquartered in the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
It contributes to socio-economic development through trade and knowledge sharing among countries in the world and encourages support from developed countries to the developing countries in the context of sustainable development. The Chair promotes education for international solidarity and intercultural dialogue. The AIIKS Node is part of the Community of Practices participatory research action project on African humanism knowledge for peace and development in harmony with the balance of nature and in the context of eco-planetary humanism. The programme includes the following UNESCO Chairs: Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny/Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; University of Democratic Republic of Congo; Florence University Italia; University of Mali; University of South Africa; University of Peace, Ethiopia; Research Institutions: CIEFFA, Burkina Faso; CERDOTOLA, Cameroon; WAI, Cape Verde; FFHB, Ivory Coast; CRRDFGCPR Grands Lacs, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; CRCTCRPKA, Egypt; ISS, Ethiopia; IPSS, Ethiopia; WACPS, Ghana; CYDCA, Malawi; OCPA, Mozambique; SPSP, Nigeria; FAS, Senegal / Switzerland; CODESRIA, Senegal; CPDS, South Sudan; PRI, Sudan; and Foundations: Foundations: A. Neto, Angola; E. Dos Santos, Angola; O. B. Ondimba, Gabon; Pax Africana, Togo.
The Science Technology and Innovation Division at AIIKS Node, University of Namibia Multidisciplinary Research Centre (MRC), Namibia
has developed several IKS-based innovative prototype products in the last 5 years including a plant-based nanoparticle drug delivery system for cancer; a pH sensitive nanoparticle system for delivery of plant extracts to the lower intestines for treatment of diarrhoea in children; plant based capsules for treatment and prophylaxis of malaria as well as a blended tea from indigenous plants with antimalarial properties. The standardized traditional beverages and herbal teas with nutritional and medicinal properties based on AIKS have also been developed. The division’s outputs of final research products have contributed to further innovative processing concepts.
University of Namibia Faculty of Education (FoE)
in collaboration with the AIIKS node is involved in a joint research project on Ecologies of Metacognitive Pedagogies. This is a cross-epistemological case study of inclusive and mathematics education within indigenous knowledge systems.